Humanity is on the threshold of a new beginning.  The old ways of self-aggrandizing piracy are coming to an end.  This means that those who have profited by the old indentured systems are fighting back as the light becomes stronger.  We will see this more in the next few weeks as we enter into the heat of summer.  This is a time to stay focused on the light and refuse to allow the fear tactics that are the greatest tool of oppressors to gain a foothold in the world.  Their behavior is predictable and loosing potency, so do not fall into anger over their short sightedness, but know that humanity is growing up, with or without them.

Focusing on the light creates a peaceful and harmonious world.  With every strike at the light, the opposition reveals their true intentions.  The recent swine flu scare is a great example of how the light held things in perspective.  The consciousness of the planet has elevated to a height that is making it more difficult to fool the masses.  Those who choose to stay in the old paradigm have the right to that choice, but their choice cannot stop the momentum of consciousness from moving up into a lighter dimension. 

We need to keep our light focused to help our leaders who are trying to create change.  It is important that we create change within ourselves by taking more time to center and meditate as we experience our bodies and minds sloughing off old patterns and designing our new lighter selves.  Grease the grid of the earth with your love and consciousness on a daily basis for the next three weeks, as Celestials are moving major obstacles away from the planet and humanity.  Know that all is well and that we are moving forward to complete this momentous time in history. 

Remember that Earth is home to newborn souls who seek power as their identity, simultaneously with the most advanced and conscious beings.  We are here because this journey into the light means so much to us.  It is the event we have awaited for many millennia.  Move the light through your heart and into the earth and we will all create a lighter world together.

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