Most of us have felt the frenetic energy of the earth. Perhaps you have seen this reflected in human activity, as people run around in our human importance that makes up our daily life. This is a current reflection of the energy of the Mother Planet. It is evident that She is completing Her transformation of earth. The Earth Mother does not wish to destroy the planet or her inhabitants. She needs to move the planet and her inhabitants upward in vibration, and move life as we know it off of the 3rd dimension and onto the 5th. This level will go to sleep, just as we wake and sleep each day. This dimension has already begun its procession into dormancy, as can be clearly seen through the magnitude of earth changes.

The Earth Mother has given instruction for the ensuing events. We can use the analogy of the Great Depression. During that time many suffered with a lack of finances and basic human needs, while others felt no lack or need at all. This is the way the world is beginning to function, so our focus and intention are paramount to success. The success we seek is within ourselves. When we focus on our intention in life, the support follows. It is not about how busy you are, but the intention with which you perform every action of the day. This is the shifting point. The shifting point is within each of us, and we must find that point. The planet is dividing vibrationally into the 3rd and 5th dimensions. Therefore, focusing on 3rd-dimension aspects of humanity or even of the earth keeps us in that vibration. We are being asked to change the focus of our thoughts into higher forms. Visualize your place within the Divine order of the Earth, not the chaos and confusion.

For the past week I have felt great sadness toward the Earth and Humankind. The Earth Mother has explained that compassion is wonderful, but lowering your vibration is not. As the light of the planet, we Star Children must change and hold our focus in Divine support of all that we are. This largely determines the place we will occupy in the coming times. How all of us will transform is the question. The Earth Mother has said that she will make the physical transformation of the planet very quick. She has progressed so far into the process that her form is in a constant state of flux. Her message to us is to raise our thoughts and project a peaceful coexisting planet. It is how we act and think that are important. Do not worry about how busy you are; so is the Mother. Stay out of the prophecies of doom and gloom, whether they are political or global. When you are about to throw a ball, you focus on the target, not on the ball. This is how it is for us. The divine moment is here, and we must hold onto the Divine within us and project it throughout the planet. Focus on the target, stay one-pointed, and you will be supported in all ways no matter what is happening around you.

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