The dawning of this New Year brought with it so many emotions concerning our unusual and precious planet. 2005 has heralded itself as a year of change. Nature does not have the same focus of reality that we human beings do. Although the Mother attempts to clear and move herself in a graceful manner, this cannot always be done, although the energy of light workers on the planet does assist this process. The more light we send through ourselves and into the earth, the more we can affect this balance in a positive way.

The planet and all of her inhabitants are in a process of change that cannot be stopped. In the last few months of 2004 we saw all of the old fear games being played again. As light workers, Star Children have a great opportunity to effect change in themselves and reflect that into the planet. All that we are, all that we think, is resonated into the core of the planet at every moment. When your thoughts move into lower vibrations, you carry those vibrations into the earth. Move negative thoughts out of yourself and the planet as soon as they arrive. If they are so great that they are difficult to transcend, then work with understanding. Natural events do not occur in order to harm us. Nature makes changes to create a balance and will pursue that balance relentlessly. The Mother sees the overall need for change with a compassionate view toward human loss.

It may sound strange, but in the wake of the tsunami I found myself thanking those that gave their lives and loved ones in this enormous earth change. This force united a nation at war and brought the world together to assist those so much in need. Nature changed the lens of the world so that we might see ourselves a little better. The impact of the underwater earthquake was so large that it shifted the earth’s magnetic north, which in turn has refocused the lens to allow more of us to to see, understand, and bring balance to ourselves and this precious planet we live on.

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