It is clear to see the divided opinions in the world are showing themselves more as the light on the planet increases.  As we enter this phase of transition you may feel disjointed and overwhelmed.  The panic cries of the 3rd dimensional pundit mongers are fighting to survive by making as much noise as possible in an attempt to derail and divert the increase in consciousness on earth.  The heavens are in a particular position of chaos as well, making us feel like we are surrounded by negativity.  But, this is an illusion to push us further into love and cocoon ourselves in light.  This is our job.

When the world seems to be pulling you out of your love cocoon, get back in by using the empathic shield we taught in the Star Child booklet.  Fill yourself and your surroundings with love and you will move the panic energy of the world away form you.  Stay in your shield of light as the 3rd dimensional antics play themselves out. 

There is a great deal of mind bending and fear promotion on every possible level, so do not accept things on face value. The fear of epidemics is a classic attempt to control the masses and make a lot of money, regardless of the damage the so-called “cure” will cause. Fear is what is used to create cooperative sheep that are control and manipulated by a few. In other words, the aim is to create sheep that will not question. So, question everything, even information dressed as spiritual advice. 

This is our time to come into power as the light beings of the planet and lift away the ego – greed power base that has driven this planet until now.  All is on course and going very well. Stay in your love cocoon and spread the light.  Keep watching out for tricks and light the way to dissolve ignorance and fear.

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