As the world continues to move into a higher vibration, there are still those who wish to keep Earth in darkness.  This is not possible.  Attempts to create a fear-based consciousness have failed before and will fail now.  The Swine Flu outbreak is another attempt to create fear, imposing controls and mandatory immunization.  This outbreak is yet another all too perfect plot to suppress us.  Numerous original cases in the USA were found to test negative for Swine Flu. It is the media that continues to perpetuate fear throughout the country. 

As we elevate to higher vibrations we are less susceptible to microbial attacks.  True, we need to be proactive about maintaining good health.  Keep your immune system strong and increase your vibration. Do not fall into the fearful mind that is being generated by the media.  In 1976 the Swine Flu made a stunning entrance into the international community resulting in a massive immunization process.  Pharmaceutical companies became several billion dollars richer and countless victims were left paralyzed.

What should you do?  Practice your light techniques with regularity; this keeps your mind in a healthful place.  Take supplements to increase and support your immune system. Reduce stress, or counter it with rest, meditation and exercise.  Eat a healthy diet, reducing acidic foods, maintaining a strong physical foundation.  If you have a Chakra Therapy System, use this basic technique to clear your organs and energy pathways:

 Begin with clearing each chakra.  Next, clear each physical organ in the same manner that you cleared the chakra.  This brings in energy and removes stasis from the body.  When energy flows, you are healthy, when it is blocked, the body creates illness or pain.  Because we are physical beings, we must keep our attention on energy flowing freely throughout our bodies.  We are conduits of energy wanting to flow smoothly, just as the water in a river flows to the sea.  This is what we do. Energy is what we are. This is life.

This latest attempt to spread fear is not working as effectively because our collective consciousness is high enough to begin to see through the games.  The “Dastardly Dudes” are loosing ground.  Their fear tactics do not yield the same results they have in the past.  We are coming into our own power and into the light.  Stay positive and be the light.

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