Moving forward in consciousness involves leaving our ego-based power struggles behind. The world situation is an indicator of where we must focus our attention and growth. Clearly the world needs to move out of condemnation and into love. The consciousness of the world is rapidly exceeding the consciousness of our leaders. It is not governments that change the world, but the people. There is a growing mass effort to increase our awareness and understanding that there is no good or evil, but rather appropriate or inappropriate action. Conflict caused by ego cannot expand into compassion.

Our task as star children is to focus our awareness onto the world thereby freeing ourselves from the dictatorial rule of our egos. If we understand that nothing anyone ever does to us is personal, it puts everything in a new light. We spend our lives wondering why a person did this or that to us. “Why did they want to hurt me?” The fact is that each of us is living our individual programs and agendas. Our interpretation of the situation is dominated by our ego. So, the way to clear ourselves of this constant chatter and assault is to free our minds from the overriding ego.

Use the light to move past your conflicts. See the light in everything and know that we are all characters cast in our roles and acting out the parts we need for understanding. Whatever is presented to you is a result of a need in you. By focusing our attention on a world conflict that has been created by ego, we can gain insight and a greater awareness. We are all striving to clear the boggy mind. By being the light that we truly are, we can step out of the bog and into the grassy meadow and experience ego and mind in harmony with consciousness.

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