Life’s Lemons

Life’s Lemons

Most of us have moments of unhappiness or dissatisfaction with our lives. This is because some element of ourselves is empty. If words are said that upset us, it is because we are needing approval and seeking our well-being externally. Yet when something or someone...

The Times, They Are a Changing

The Times, They Are a Changing

As 2003 approaches, we feel and see a great change in our world. Now is the time to bring the Light through you and into the Earth to speed and smooth the way for positive change. We are the rainbow light that connects Heaven and Earth in consciousness. Our job is to...

Out of the Trap

Out of the Trap

Life is a series of mazes that can lead us into the never-ending loop of the mind or slowly sashay us out of duality. One needs to understand duality to completely realize oneness. If we think of ourselves as separate, unattached, and praying to a God that will shower...

Our Current World Since 9/11

Our Current World Since 9/11

The current state of world events is tragic, yet many of us see that these events have indeed propelled us forward dimensionally. I know that it seems very strange to think that such devastation would move us forward. The way the world has responded has a great deal...

We Are The Transition

We Are The Transition

Chaos in our lives is a direct attempt from spirit to bring about change and normalize imbalance. Our planet is entering the times of separation that will widen the gap between individuals on different paths of learning and evolution. This summer will mark the events...

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