On July 25, 2005 we entered another portal. The pinnacle point of this journey was reached between August 13 and14th and we continue our journey through this corridor until September 24th. Portals are gateways through which we accelerate dimensionally and consciously. The effect on the physical world is determined by the ability of light workers to bring conscious awareness to themselves and then to the planetary consciousness. Once again, the star beings on this planet are being asked to focus within themselves and bring light to this planet.

A portal is an opportunity for all of us to move forward in consciousness. The theme of this one is connected to our understanding and compassion toward fellow human beings. Aspects of ourselves and our conditionings concerning our viewpoint of male and female are on the table. This includes the male and female viewpoints within you. This portal is a wonderful opportunity for all of us to see and work to achieve a balance between the yin and yang, male and female, inside us all.

Why is this so important? Here on earth we put a value of importance on everything. This competitive comparison translates into one being better or superior to another. We judge the placement of things rather than honoring their position. In order to move forward as a planet we must understand that the placement of things is part of natural order and not judgment. When a part is suppressed or squashed by society or an individual it creates a disconnection of ourselves from the whole. It keeps us in the misery of duality, and peace eludes us.

In this portal our beliefs are being challenged in wonderful ways because the paradigm of male and female is in the process of being rewritten. Yin and yang are not separate from one another, for both contain an element of themselves within the other. As we begin to see ourselves in all humankind, not just male or female, we empower the earth and ourselves.

Any issues that you have askew will be brought to your attention during this time. Dance with this aspect of transformation as we strive to find that balance so hungered for in all of humanity.

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