Luminous Energy Guide Connection



Select the time for your 20-Min One-on-One Zoom Meeting with Jaculin below.


Each of you will have a one-on-one meeting with Jaculin by Zoom in which she will introduce and describe your Guide to you. During this attunement you will practice connecting and communicating with the Guide. Afterwards she will send you guided imagery to practice your connection.
Next, there will be a 1-hour group Zoom meeting for her to check your connection, allow you to practice, and answer your questions.
This email includes sign-up instructions with times to sign up for your 20-Min Zoom Meeting. You will receive a verification code of your time.
It is an integral part of the training and is needed before you move on to the in-person class on healing

The group meeting will be held on Sept 15,2024 at 2:00pm AZ/PT time.

Choose your private Zoom call with Jaculin here. Choose a time.




Additional information

One-on-One Meeting AZ/PT

Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 1:00pm, Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 1:30pm, Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 2:00pm, Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 2:30pm, Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 3:00pm, Thur, Sept 12, 2024, 3:30pm, Fri, Sept 13, 2024, 1:00pm, Fri, Sept 13, 2024, 1:30pm, Fri, Sept 13, 2024, 2:00pm, Fri, Sept 13, 2024, 2:30pm, Fri, Sept 13, 2024, 3:00pm

Group Zoom Meeting

Sun, Sept 15, 2:00pm AZ/PT