Chakra Therapy System
Designed by Devas and the Celestial Realms since 1993.
The Chakra Therapy System™ was designed and given to Patrick and Jaculin Dorman in 1993 as our new service to humankind. At the time we had a healthcare practice, and our goal was to educate people to know that it takes more than a pill to heal. We taught techniques to take control of one’s energy and move the body to health.
The Chakra Therapy System contains a portable self-healing tensor field that will radiate into your space and clear negative energies and balance your chakras.
It gives you a visual representation of your chakras, creating an accurate treatment modality that can be used by the most experienced lightworker or the novice.
The individual oils are a blend of pure Jojoba oil and wild organic or essential oils that specifically resonate to encompass all aspects of each chakra. There is also a harmonically enhanced stone in each bottle of oil that resonates to the vibrational frequency of each corresponding chakra.
Inside is a self-perpetuating energy field generated by a magnetic coil that clears the oil and stones after each use. This allows you to share your chakra system with friends and family.
The energy field emanating from the system will clear and balance all your chakras.
As a child, Jaculin would talk to the celestial beings around her about the lights she saw on people, and they would teach her what these energies were saying about the person. It was always easy for her to see the energetic world and a challenge to comprehend the solid world.
Many of the techniques taught to her by the celestials are included in Luminous Energy. Today Jaculin loves to teach others how to play in energy. Her primary focus has always been to help people help themselves.
Patrick Dorman. has been involved with energy medicine and healing for over 40 years. His clinical practice involved structural massage therapy, Reiki, and acupuncture, teacher of Chi Gong and meditation. He also was vice president of the Florida Acupuncture Association.
The Chakra Therapy System has been the most important tool that has been given to us over the years and we hope you enjoy it.
~ Jaculin Dorman
The Weekly Connection with Jaculin Dorman
Get your weekly dose of Luminous Energy with a dash of Expanding Consciousness sparkle.
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Luminous Energy Spiritual Study
Luminous Energy is a four-week online spiritual study course. This interactive presentation is a comprehensive self-empowerment program for those looking to enhance their spiritual growth.
This workshop includes many light techniques taught to Jaculin as a child by the Celestial Realms. Jaculin was born visually impaired and has only a limited idea of how the solid 3D world looks. This limitation has allowed her to maintain recall of what is beyond this time and space and to function inter-dimensionally. Translating and describing higher vibrations is her passion.
The techniques and lessons taught in this course are from the lessons she was given as a child to heal herself and overcome obstacles while growing her awareness.
It will teach you how to expand your own awareness and give you techniques to become a viable Light Seed in today’s confusing world.
In the next part of this series you will learn healing techniques and develop your intuitive abilities. There will be an in-person course to be announced next year.
What’s In the Course?
Week One
- Meeting the Masters who work with Luminous Energy
- Growing and understanding your role as an Empath
- The history of duality (the Error)
- Who are Star Children and Light Seeds?
- Removing conflict from your life – Conscious Use Of Power
Week Two
- Tubing – Making yourself light and deflecting negativity
- Internal Viewing and your chakras
- Our Consciousness Tasks of Understanding
- Karma and the Karmic Board
Week Three
- Where are the Earth and our galaxy heading?
- What is a Yuga and where are we in the space of existence?
- Recognizing our delusion
- Seeing the Yaluwa or aura of Mother Earth
- Levels of awareness
- Why is this transition so different?
Week Four
- Delusion Phase Of Consciousness
- How dimensions work
- Understanding levels of awareness and consciousness
- Grasping manifestation and how it works
- Free will and choice, or destiny?
- Removing our neuroses
- 7 natural Laws
- How to embrace change
Register for an upcoming workshop today!
Luminous Energy Spiritual Sessions
As a medical intuitive, Jaculin will speak directly to those in guidance, and discuss with you what they are saying to assist you in understanding and releasing blocks that may be causing physical or emotional disturbances.
Together you feel the understanding of the lessons as your guardians help to releases them physically, mentally, and spiritually from your energy field to assist your spirit and accelerate the growth of your self-awareness.

The New Earth & Humanity – Transforming Into 12 Ray Beings
This is a 1.5 + hour workshop webinar where we discuss:
New Light Influx to Earth & Humanity – How we are changing.
12 Chakra System in Play – How this new light system is affecting humanity.
The Sun and the Earth – Proceeding into Transition.
Removing Distorted, Mutated Patterns – How Humanity is changing.
The Dark Rift – Where we are now.
What This New Energy Looks Like – What to expect.
Keep Your Mind Open to the Divine Plan – The game is afoot.
Meditation – 12 Chakras/Aura
About Jaculin Dorman
Born clairvoyant, clairaudient, and with recall, Jaculin Dorman has always worked with subtle energies.
Trained by the Celestial Realms, Jaculin teaches techniques to help Star Children discover who they are.
In Luminous Energy Spiritual Workshops Jaculin uses the same principles and techniques she uses to physically to teach you how to see energetically.
Jaculin has been in alternative health care for over 40 years.
Her focus is on self-care, especially on an energetic level.
Cosmic Oil Solutions
Oils for balancing the chakra, clearing and protection oils to de-stress you with a divine scent. For those moments away from your Chakra Therapy System.
Great to have in a treatment room, as it clears any unwanted energies.
Like having a smudge in a bottle, and can be used on any space, person, or thing that needs rejuvenation.
See all of our Aromatherapy Oils!
Tools for Empowerment
Empowering Books, CBD Tincture, Chakra Charts, Chakra Tuning Forks, Palo Santo, Chakra Stones, Silver Supplementation, and Crystal Healing Wands. Check out all our Tools!
Connect into your higher self and gain awareness.
Eliminate your doubt and unclear decisions.
Pendulum Answering Device
Energetically enhanced to remove extraneous interference.
Chakra Life
4815 E Carefree Hwy
Ste 108-306
Cave Creek, AZ 85331
email: editor@chakralife.com